
About Me

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Anchorage, Alaska - The Last Frontier, United States
Alaska Artist who lives half a year in sunlight and the other half in darkness. Art and humor are life's greatest moments. Enjoy!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Technology Dreaming

Today a contest ends.  The winner receives a brand new Canon Rebel Camera.  Sweet!  I entered the contest; something I rarely do.  

I have a little Samsung 10mp digital pocket model camera that I’ve used for the last two years.  I have dropped it more times than I should admit – so it at times acts up – the back is a tad scratched up from roaming in my camera bag with car keys and other countless items a woman carries when one does not take a purse.   Although most of the accidental drops of camera where from when my bike would toppled over on uneven ground  as I was loading everything back into the small basket on my front handle bars on various bicycle rides visiting gardens around town.

As far as one can tell my photos are not affected by the dropping of the camera.  There are times I need to gently tap the camera to get the lens to move out of the camera body so it is operable or for it to focus.  Not a big deal when one knows about the camera’s slight problems.

When one depends on a camera to create art one has dreams of newer and better cameras to enhance ones work and play load!

Last night out of boredom and wistfulness I visited Ebay.  Technology is a powerful entity.  My mouth was drooling over several specimens in both categories that I was clicking through:  large format printers and cameras as the viewing selections. 

If one has $1,500 to $2,200 lying around an 18mp digital camera by a couple of manufacturers where placed high on my dream list.

For $1,000 more selections were added to my list. 

And several winners I found for the under $500 with 14mp – enough pixels for large format photos up to 30 inches.

The large format printers’ price range was $2,500 to over $6,000.  These printers were more for the professional photographer who was well on their way to recognition and one who has a large studio that one could take in work to help fray cost factors.  Ink and photographic papers are more expenses than the average person realizes.

It is always fun to look at what is available, enticing one to dream and wish.  No one is too old to dream and have wishes. One never knows when the dream fairy can bring a wish to you.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Creative Writing

Today I celebrated my birthday.   I took a break for working on photos.  A most pleasant day began with many birthday wishes from family and friends, and many more once my Facebook page was loaded on my computers screen.
A day that I celebrate by always calling my mother; thanking her for having me on this day.  It belongs only to me.   I don’t share it with any other family member, although two other siblings where born on the 17th of February and July.

Throughout the day my thoughts were of that pesky Artists Statement that I’ve been working on for a few days.  Being one who can write a book when she sits down; this elusive statement needs chopping big time.  Also needs to be refined quite a bit. 

I’m told an artist’s statement is important so that folks understand why an artist creates things as they do, will promote interest in your art, and will give insight to the core of yourself.

Heck I don’t even have a clue to the type of art I do.  I know the main category is Fine Art Photography; sub categories such as: Botanical, some architecture, and a few portraits.    

How does one say I take a photo, then just break all the rules and mess it up some more with the help of Photoshop; with color changes, additions of patterns, allowing it to become another subject all together until it’s recognized as something else.  

Is my work abstract, surreal, modern, outsider, pop, or classical?  

 Do I even want to be locked into a category?

I know it is evolving so quickly at this point in time I’m not sure what to call many of the newer creations.  I create art first for my entertainment and then to see the reactions of those who view my work and I want them to enjoy the subject as much as I do.  I want to raise eyebrows without someone going into shock.

To me bright colors popping off the paper to excite the viewer along with the subject compelling interest and desire are some of my goals.  Are the goals attainable?

I think I need a nap all this questioning wears one out rather quickly.  And my time is up...


Monday, November 15, 2010

My Handmade Holiday

My Handmade Holiday

As one grows older and more creative the thought of purchasing mass produced items for my loved ones across the various states is not my idea of sharing the spirit of how wonderful I think each of my family and friends are to me and my guy.

My favorite memories of holidays are those which focused on gifts that where handmade and given to me by siblings or children in my family.

Over the years I have sewn my heart out making quilts for all.  Each quilt a treasure to the one on the receiving end.  Some being utilized, while others are stored away brought out only at Christmas.  Others folded and placed in a chest for future generations.

As my eye site has gone from fresh dew youth to a person with bifocals I have changed my perspective and gone back to my first love for gift giving: my photography.  

I’ve only been showing my art in public a short time.  This Christmas one full year will be celebrated as one who can call themselves an artist.  I’ve sold various creations and continue to develop my own style.  

The smiles one see’s from a gift that is handmade is the reason I continue to have each holiday in the spirit as I do.  From deciding on the perfect gift to be given from my stash of art to my various family members; then mailing these precious gifts,  to handmade ornaments adorning my tree,  plus homemade food gifts sitting under the tree awaiting a friends’ arrival.

Sharing a handmade holiday from beginning to end is all I can ask of those who share my life and the journey of handmade.

The one who I hold dearest in my heart will be the focus of our handmade Holidays Greeting Cards this year.  We both enjoy simple lifestyle, we both have almost lost the other due to major medical issues, and sometimes we catch each other on camera.

May I present: My Handmade Guy - 



One single word: with a dozen or so meanings. All depending on where one’s mindset is at the moment when the word pops into your thoughts or deeds of the day.

Creation can be biblical if you are a person of one of the many faiths that abound in the world.  

Creation can mean another thing when one discusses evolution of the world’s species.

Creation is quite often mentioned as the conception of a person’s thoughts and actions.

Fishlips does a lot of creating to entertain herself.  Fishlips is told that she is a creative person. Fishlips hopes what she creates brings joy to others. And mainly that a person steps back a few paces; take a moment or two to think, reflect, and understand the meaning of Fishlips creations.

A line of porta potties that created a work of POP Art by AS2Designs - known as Fishlips
 or Patricia when my mother calls to catch up on the latest happenings in our life.


The official meaning of Creation:

Definition of CREATION
: the act of creating; especially : the act of bringing the world into ordered existence
: the act of making, inventing, or producing: as a : the act of investing with a new rank or office b : the first representation of a dramatic role
: something that is created: as a : world b : creatures singly or in aggregate c : an original work of art d : a new usually striking article of clothing
Examples of CREATION
  1. The play continues to entertain audiences 25 years after its creation.
  2. Job creation will be an important issue in next year's elections.
  3. These changes will lead to the creation of new businesses.
  4. The company was largely the creation of one woman.
  5. Come taste our chef's delicious new creations.
  6. She's wearing one of her original fashion creations.
  7. How are humans different from the rest of creation