
About Me

My photo
Anchorage, Alaska - The Last Frontier, United States
Alaska Artist who lives half a year in sunlight and the other half in darkness. Art and humor are life's greatest moments. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Out of the Box

On Facebook every day I read through 100’s of posts.  I follow quite a number of folks and around 325 follow me.
One of those that I follow; a fellow artist over in the UK had a drawing of  
"Makanda doesn't want to get back in his box!"

I know exactly as he feels.  I had put myself in a box and once out of it I do not want to go back in.  I’m enjoying running around in my photo folders playing with different effects on various photos that are not my usual fare: they are not floras. 

These will also go into my sketchbook challenge because I love water.  There is a creek that runs through my back yard and, I’m just a mile from Cooks Inlet.  I’ve always lived near water – it must be part of my circle of lifetimes.  I search for places near water.  I’m happiest when I can visit places with water.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Sketchbook Challenge

In my post on Saturday I had decided to tag along on the sketchbook challenge even if I don't draw a straight line or a circle very well.

January's challenge is what we (our self) consider 'Highly Prized'. That is a broad spectrum.  

So I drew a few things that mean the most to me to start and then as the month progresses I will take each of those items and expand.  That's the plan at the moment for me. 

The items I highly prized are:
things I love with  my heart 
- time
-  car 
- camera 
-  art 
-and yes it even includes
my kitchen aid stand mixer for cooking

I'm going to play and explore each area not only with free hand drawing but with any and all options available to me such as using my Rubber stamps, my photographs, my oils or acrylics,