Since ole Missy Fishlips has returned to work – I've been in training all week and will be again in training next week. Then I've be doing what is called 'Shadowing'. Sounds a bit scary doesn't it. I do believe I will just keep you all in suspense to what it is also.
I let my 3 times weekly posts on my blog just slip away which makes me sad. I'm sure you all have opions on it.
Maybe you all are happy to have the relief or maybe you miss my rambles. Either way:
I am trying to figure out a system so that I don’t stop my ramblings just because I’m not home during the day to madly type away.
You all know how much I love my writing it’s not something I can just casually cast away –
I will work it out and once I’m settled in my job my blog postings will return to a set schedule so you don’t Miss Me!
Here are two kaleidoscope of the same original photo showing their different results.