
About Me

My photo
Anchorage, Alaska - The Last Frontier, United States
Alaska Artist who lives half a year in sunlight and the other half in darkness. Art and humor are life's greatest moments. Enjoy!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Splints and Sprains

On Thursday it was St. Patty’s Day plus Anchorage received a flurry of fresh fluffy snow about 3 to 4 inches.  Being the good woman I am; I said I would do the shoveling.  

Off I went to shovel snow off the sidewalks and driveway.  3/4ths of the way through on the street end of driveway the moment of truth happened.  I slipped on a huge patch of ice from the previous days of warm weather melting and refreezing at night.  The snow covered this 4 foot patch.

I can only hope if a neighbor saw me falling that I scored a perfect 10 on form!

Landing on hand was an experience I don’t wish to do again.  YEOW it hurt.  Picking my shovel like a good girl and limping back up the sidewalk, swallowing my pride I sat for an hour biting my lower lip so I wouldn’t cry until my doctor’s office was back from their ‘office closed for lunch’.  Unfortunately even though they have an x-ray machine they could not fit me in.  So off to the ER I go – I took a book, which turned out to be a life saver!   

The ER was standing room only all day due to many of us foolish folks slipping and sliding and those who arrived by ambulances who happen to be driving too fast for road conditions! 

6 hours later I come home with the news - Severe sprain to hand, contusion to wrist, elbow and shoulder.  Oh did I forget to mention hip feels like a mule kicked it? 

But the very best part of all this: I got a great souvenir - A handy dandy removable splint. 

             Oh baby those knuckles (hehehe what knuckles?) look like you been boxing without any padding!

Plus I get to see an orthopedic doctor who specializes in hand injuries (as per instruction sheet and is typed so all can see ‘only if needed’) since I’m one of those lucky Americans without health insurance we will be skipping this part of instruction sheet – totally out of my ‘only if needed’ area.  One must do with ‘what is affordable’. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Color Challenge of Black, Gray, and Brown

March 16 through March 30 our color challenge shall be in a range that is not normally worked with.  For photographers who enjoy the rich tones one finds in black and white photos this challenge shall be a snap!

The muted colors of black, gray, and brown will add softness to our creation process.

My view of the world is at times – black and white.  Although we all must acknowledge nothing is just black and white…life is full of understated hues that can blind us to the brilliance from the influences around us.

As many of my readers know my beginnings in photography was in black and white film with a Pentax SLR camera.  Camera is long gone but I still have the 150-300 lens and flash that were part of the camera.  Maybe one day I’ll purchase another ‘film’ camera to go along with the digital cameras I’ve picked up along the way.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Piece of Cake

Today at 2pm I had a follow up interview with the same business as on Thursday.  For the full time position I had sent my application in for.  I was glad to hear I had aced that interviewed and they felt I did have what they were looking for in a HAC (home alliance coordinator)

I was nervous but felt as this second interview progressed; that I did a good job talking about my skills and abilities; plus that I would be a good fit for this organization.

On one of the questions halfway through answering my mind went blank... thank goodness I had mostly answered what had been ask.

At 4:45pm I was called and was offered the position!!!

Thank you for who ever watches over those who are looking for jobs!

My training starts on April 4th.  Plenty of time to get things in ship shape here at home and get my better half use to the idea I'll be off working again while he pretends at being a bum! 

I now feel a purpose once more in life other than to entertain myself.

Watch out for the lady in aisle 6 She is on a mission! OMG I'll actually will pay working Income Taxes once more :-O