Are you one of those compulsive folks who worry ‘How many views’ one gets on their shops, individual item, blogs, etc –etc?
I admit I went in cycles wondering who were looking, how many looked that day – week - month, and the total looks and where the lookers are coming from.
I'm changing my compulsions. I am flying out of the coup!
Each of my venues has their own accounting system for my stats, plus I have Google Analytic, and my own page counters on two of my venues; not one of them ever have a realistic count that I relate to: even when I list the same item in each of the 3 locations. As you can see I was a bit obsessive with ‘How many views’ when I started out.
I can’t complain my items receive views from across the United States, Canada, many European countries, Russia, China and a couple from South America, plus those big islands Australia and New Zealand. That was the most interesting fact for the stats for me is where folks came from to look at something I had created.
On my social network -> Facebook I value those who comment on one of my photos more than any stats in a shop who view the creation. With comments I’m able to gauge the reaction by what a person writes and how they connect to that particular photo. It helps with my creative progress; so that I can expand a method or scrap that avenue of usage.
I’m still in the early stages of my artist career. I’m still learning, developing my style of art. I’m having a ton of fun. Most importantly I am expanding my horizons in the art communities here in Anchorage and throughout Alaska and those are the stats that I count for my continued growth as an artist working in the photography field.
Take a break to my personal website - where you can explore my different concepts:
Or see the very latest of my photos just hop over to Facebook where various photo folders await your comments:
Work & Fun