
About Me

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Anchorage, Alaska - The Last Frontier, United States
Alaska Artist who lives half a year in sunlight and the other half in darkness. Art and humor are life's greatest moments. Enjoy!

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Grand Prix - Monaco 'A Walk to Remember'

In February I got to walk the race route of "Grand Prix' in Monte Carlo. It is a walk to remember!

The route is lined with restaurants, Mom & Pops businesses, hotels, designers shops, theaters, private homes and the world famous Monte Carlo Casino plus the port of Monte Carlo. We started out from the port walking to the casino, and then the long trek under the Virage du Portier (this is a tunnel that has awesome views of the port) which takes you to Prince Rainier's theater and back to the port.

On this particular day it started out a tad sunny but chilly, then overcast and cold, then rainy and very cold, then it snowed!  Snow is very unusual in Monte Carlo; we were told it was the first time in 26 years by members of the cruise line.  In reality it was the first time in 8 years.

Monte Carlo is a fantastic city.  I fell in love with it as we slowly pulled into port on our cruise ship.  It's one city I plan on visiting again.  The gardens are beautiful, the food delightful, and the view is unforgettable!  And we all remember Princes Grace.  She has a theatre named after her.  My mother was a great fan of Grace Kelly and the fairy tale life she had after her marriage to Prince Rainier; as many women were in the 1950's and 1960's.

The city is built on layers up the sea-cliff.  The architecture is Modern mixed with Victorian.

Monte Carlo also has a world class Museum of Oceanography.  The museum sits on a cliff overlooking the Mediterranean Sea: it is simply breathtaking!  The walk from the port was exhilarating if one takes the south walking route.

We spent over 3 hours enjoying the serenity of the museum along with its wide collection of living sealife.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Illusion of Beauty

As a photographer I was in my twenties I started out in black and white film with a gentle used Pentax 'K' that my husband's boss had sold me.  I took classes amassing huge amount of college credits in photography.  Over the years I had different cameras.  Going from film to digital.

I now have a Sony A7 which I dearly love, a Samsung 8+ phone that takes super pics, and a Apple X phone which I am slowly learning to like after years of being a NON APPLE person.  In fact I had switch from PC to IMac so my learning curve is in full swing at moment.  But that's another story for another day; today we talking about programs I use to assist me as a photographer.

I call my process "Illusion of Beauty with Photoshop and Filter Forge."

Photoshop Elements 2018 is the tiny version of Adobe's Creative Cloud for working on photos or develop ones own artistic creation.  It allows the artist using the program to expand their creations; this statement is a simplified explanation believe me.

Filter Forge 7.5 is program to work with or stand alone with Photoshop any of the versions.  Filters are what create different effects or layers upon a photo.  I use both Potoshop Elements and Filter Forge.

I don't know many photographers who do not use some form of assistance to enhance their photographs.  Even when I use to develop from film my own photos in a darkroom that there tricks of the trade to enhance a photo.

I like a certain style to my photos.  It is one reason I use the programs I use. My personal taste for a photo is:

 A soften look, more of a painters style using a watercolor effect, 
 a singular item as the focus of interest. 

It's amazing what one can do to a photograph!  When I look at magazines or art book I look to see the "Illusion" as I call it.  Many times it very obvious, other times its so subtle that it's often not found.  Unless a person is told you may miss the "Illusion".

These are my Illusions:  Hope You enjoy!

Lost In Her Own World - Final Edited Photo

Lost in Her Own World - Original Photo I took

Rainy Day in France - Final Edited Photo

Rainy Day in France - Original Photo I took