
About Me

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Anchorage, Alaska - The Last Frontier, United States
Alaska Artist who lives half a year in sunlight and the other half in darkness. Art and humor are life's greatest moments. Enjoy!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Challenge No. 1

Fall is basically over.  Frost is on my car's windows each morning.  Darkness comes early afternoon and leave late in morning.

We are preparing for winter. 

Yard has been raked.  Summer flower pots put away, as well as garden tools.

Winter gear is assembled and ready for grabbing when one leaves the house now.

Trash at West High now a Kaleidoscope

Will have to relearn coping skills for my nerves while driving in snow and ice again.
And I wait for the annual Holiday Bazaars.  As an artist I have to support other like 'handmade artists' so that they continue making the wonderful products that they do!  I love walking the aisles of the bazaars looking at creations that draw me to them like a moth to light.  Touching many of the items, wishing for myself or many times purchasing it for family or friends.

To each of you I also challenge you to do a new project before Thanksgiving Holiday.  To step outside of your usual domain and try taking photos of a total stranger.  Are you brave enough?  Will you step up to them and say 'I'm going to take your picture & thanks for allowing me' or are you one who will just snap shots and be anonymous?