
About Me

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Anchorage, Alaska - The Last Frontier, United States
Alaska Artist who lives half a year in sunlight and the other half in darkness. Art and humor are life's greatest moments. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Artful Deeds

From a lovely garden to behold at Kinaid Park in Anchorage, Alaska. 

Summer was filled with gardens west to east and north to south here in Anchorage.  I could not get enough photos of the flowers blooming.  Bees where busy when days blasted sun, rain made for riding my bicycle not so possible many a time.  But as soon as it stopped and I knew a break would last for awhile - off I would go snapping up photos of my favorite subjects.

Now as fall takes its hold upon Anchorage, my art will be basically exploring, refining, and printing out natures beauty one page at a time.