
About Me

My photo
Anchorage, Alaska - The Last Frontier, United States
Alaska Artist who lives half a year in sunlight and the other half in darkness. Art and humor are life's greatest moments. Enjoy!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Day After Christmas Sales

As many who celebrate holidays without family in the same city or like me even same state...the more holidays celebrated alone the less the holiday means.

This year I meet a great bunch of individuals through my job.  Many have become super friends and some have become part of my family. 

Friends at the Discovery Center's Christmas Party December 16, 2011

So this Christmas was fun!  I and my guy visited several different homes dropping off little gifts to those who have touched my heart.  The joy that those little presents brought to them was just what this ole fishlips needed!  Next Christmas I am already making plans for it & I haven't thought like this in a very long time!

I am taking the young woman I work with now out for a bit fun -  'day after Christmas Sales' madness.

Honestly not the best idea since she has behavior challenges but we are gotta try; even knowing that she can become angry at the slightest thing.  If it happens we leave and her day's outing is over.  Since she has a couple of new gift cards I am thinking she will be able to behave until all the money is spent!  Then it's Starbucks time!

Happy Holidays to all ...

And don't forget to return those gifts that just made you laugh and think "oh lord why me".  And yes I received one of those gifts from the young lady I work with...'a knee length robe' and I can never use it since she even stated to me several times during the course of working with her: "only old ladies wear robes". Since I am not an old lady, I refuse to be an old lady, I will always be a  young lady in my heart and soul while I'm working with this young woman; so this gift gets returned!

PS.  my mother sent me a beautiful full length robe that I adore.  So when I'm not around the young lady I work with I'll be wearing the one Mom sent!!!! 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Fitting a Round Peg into a Square Hole

When my sons where young I watched them figure out a simple toy that had colored wood blocks in various shapes.  Frustration the first few times playing with this toy would occur but once the shape & which hole fit it; then it was onto new and more exciting toys.  

In life there are days when the peg just doesn't fit into the hole you are trying to get it into. 

It's a choice one makes each day how they are going to view the day & it is as different as each of my readers are. 

Sometimes my view is square and other times I'm have a full circle view.

In my life I work with folks constantly battling the round peg fitting into a square hole dictated by society. I see the frustration and attempts to learn ways to fit  into society.  

It's not much different from those days long ago when I watched two little blonde hair boys work their way through fitting a square peg into a round hole. 

What's your view for the day?

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Hard Core Bicycle Riding

Hard core winter bicycle riding. 

Yep in Alaska there are folks who defy common sense and ride their bikes year round.  Summer and Winter.  I live with a man who falls into that crazy category of hard core.  He was one of the first to be a winter rider some 30 years ago.

He rides daily.  Sun, rain, snow, ice, sleet, clouds do not deter him from getting on his two wheel mode of transportation and fighting with elements.  To me he is brave and just this side of crazy.  I love to ride my bike in summer but you will not find me dress in winter gear to fighting snow, wind and sliding cars!  And having studded snow tires on a bicycle is a whole another topic to me!

As luck had it Anchorages first snow fall came on October 31st this year. We awoke to about 1 1/2 inches covering the was more later.  Halloween trick and treater's had to march through blowing winds and falling snow later that evening. 

As he was getting ready for his ride of the day I snapped a picture off the front porch as he prepares to head over to the Discovery Center for the Halloween Party given by the staff for all to enjoy.  I on the other hand drove my car there!

And yes those are my snow tires for car leaning against the tree on each side of the sidewalk.  I'm awaiting my appointment at Johnson's Tire for my seasonal change over.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Talking about Child Abuse

Separating work and my personal life is becoming a thinner line in the sand.

Since my employment is in the Social Work field I am mandated through the State of Alaska and my employer to report abuse to Elderly, Children, and those with Disabilities.

I work with those who have disabilities - adults and children.

Those with disabilities have a higher rate of Abuse: both physical and sexual. Per the National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect (NCCAN) research found that children with disabilities are maltreated at 1.7 times the rate of other children.1 

As with most abuse cases the perpetrator is a known person to the child, senior, or the person with a disability. In most cases of abuse the  persons who abuse range from family members, to professionals, to paraprofessionals.

Indicators of abuse for children with disabilities are the same as indicators of abuse for their
peers in the general population. Along with physical signs, two of the primary ways of
identifying abuse are the child's reports and behavioral indicators
. Children with disabilities may
exhibit behavioral indicators of abuse that are not recognized as abusive by their caregivers.
Changes in behavior may be attributed to their on-going problems, or inability to communicate
Injuries resulting from physical abuse may be ignored if a child has visual or
physical limitations. If a child has intellectual limitations, responsible adults may wrongly
assume that the child is untrustworthy or easily suggestible, especially if the report involves
instances of abuse that seem unbelievable or improbable considering the circumstances of the
child. Unless a child can communicate what happened, and "be believed," indicators of abuse
for children with disabilities can be more difficult to recognize.2

In Alaska since I am a mandated reporter - which is perfect for my strong conviction and moral belief of 'Do No Harm to any single living person and no one deserves or should suffer from any type of abuse':

What is my legal liability?3

ACCORDING TO STATE LAW, a person who, in good faith, makes a report, permits an interview under 47.17.027, or who participates in judicial proceedings related to reports submitted is immune from any civil or criminal liability which might otherwise be incurred or imposed.
A person required by law to file a report of abuse or neglect who willfully or knowingly fails or refuses to do so is guilty of a class B misdemeanor.

In Alaska mandate reporters must call any suspected or known abuse to:  State of Alaska Department of Health & Social Services, Office of Children’s Services or Senior & Disabilities Services:

Report Child Abuse

Report Adult Abuse (18 or older)
Other important numbers to assist you for information or educational materials for child abuse:
National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information (800) 394-3366
Prevent Child Abuse America (312) 663-3520
National Resource Center on Child Abuse & Neglect (800) 227-5242


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Christmas Thoughts, Gifts, and Plans

                            As October wines down, thoughts jump ahead to Christmas.

I love Christmas!  A great excuse that allows me to step out of my normal sane self and make gifts for all those I love.

Over various years my gifts have ranged from quilts, fleece embroidered blankets, quilted handbags, to jewelry.  Each have been passionately made for many in the annual list of 'who gets gifts'.

Last year I sent my family my artwork… I sent off 8 photos in large format size “16X20” and all where sent in one package to my mothers’ address, since Christmas is normally celebrated at her house with my family members.  

My mother is wonderful & We all love Mom dearly!  We feel blessed that she is here, has a full & busy life, plus is doing her own thing in her own home! Now the problem with my dear mother is: she still has all these art pieces.  She never gave them to those who were to receive them.  None of us children ask anymore why she does these things ~ we just shake our heads...

This year I’ll be sending artwork out once again.  But to each family member's home so they may open their gift and keep it at their home LOL unless of course they think it would look better over at Mom’s house.


Friday, October 21, 2011

Plumber's Butt, sinks, and clogs

Living in a tiny cottage built in 1959 is always interesting.

Yesterday we had a plumber come to repair a leak.  The bathroom sink decided we needed to spend some money. After leak fix a new problem developed with the handles of this said sink being fairly ancient ~ 1983 models they finally died a slow death. They would not fully shut off.  ~  Had to tell Mr. Fishlips "honey we must get  new ones".

So I ran to Lowes to select a new modern look.

Except for one thing...Mr Fishlips wanted to keep the look with the rest of the fixtures.  Meaning that trashy look of the 80's 'Gold'.   A hangover from his ex-wife when they remodeled that bathroom. 



So the only model of Gold sink handles and faucet where this selection:

They are nice is all I can say.

Gold is Not my taste but I'm keeping Mr. Fishlips happy which makes my life easier and happier.  At least I got the more modern look which I wanted!

We are going to be doing several remodeling projects this coming year.  Bathroom will be getting floor, jetted tub, new tiled walls, etc etc.  Living room will be getting hardwood floors instead of carpet.  Kitchen will be completely remodeled - turning everything one whole wall move.  Plus new windows through out house!   So as we progress I'll post the little changes. 

We have talked about adding a family room and second floor on the back of house for years...that might become a reality also in the next year or so.  Although I rather have my 30' RV.  At our age going up and down stairs does not thrill me.  Stairs are the one thing older folks complain about the most...I rather be traveling not climbing stairs!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Challenge No. 1

Fall is basically over.  Frost is on my car's windows each morning.  Darkness comes early afternoon and leave late in morning.

We are preparing for winter. 

Yard has been raked.  Summer flower pots put away, as well as garden tools.

Winter gear is assembled and ready for grabbing when one leaves the house now.

Trash at West High now a Kaleidoscope

Will have to relearn coping skills for my nerves while driving in snow and ice again.
And I wait for the annual Holiday Bazaars.  As an artist I have to support other like 'handmade artists' so that they continue making the wonderful products that they do!  I love walking the aisles of the bazaars looking at creations that draw me to them like a moth to light.  Touching many of the items, wishing for myself or many times purchasing it for family or friends.

To each of you I also challenge you to do a new project before Thanksgiving Holiday.  To step outside of your usual domain and try taking photos of a total stranger.  Are you brave enough?  Will you step up to them and say 'I'm going to take your picture & thanks for allowing me' or are you one who will just snap shots and be anonymous?


Thursday, October 6, 2011


Every now and then we all have one...a week that is just surreal.  A Mish Mosh of random happenings.

A call home I find out my second to youngest brother is staying at Mom's - major knee surgery.  A call from a friend we have known for over 20 years just to let me know he is sorry that the St. Louis Cardinals got bumped out of the playoffs...HA he wasn't sorry he was rubbing it in.  My great nephew who is 12 is still in hospital but out of Critical Care Unit but 3 weeks of a hospital stay for this little guy is not good - So if you can spare a prayer for him please do so!  I donate several of my framed Photo's for Hope Community Resources Annual Dinner Auction.  Had to go to doctor yesterday for my eye - turns out I've gotten Pink Eye (yes adults get Pink Eye also; it's not just a kids illness).

Crusty eyes is not my ideal of fun for a day off.  After tackling every door handle, knob and surface I have touched in last week with Lysol Disinfecting Wipes I settle in my mind for a day of fun.

First off  I lounged about watching TV.  Daytime TV is rather boring.  Two naps didn't improve TV watching.  Didn't even have the energy to work on Greeting Cards, plus I didn't want to have an accidental tear fall on the work to contaminate it!

Putting eye drops into one's own eye every 3 hours is tricky...hitting my nose with a cold drop of fluid is rather startling.  By evening I was acing this small feat the drops were hitting the eye on first try.

Then watching the late evening news we hear of Steve Jobs death.   I've always wanted an Apple computer.  They are to me the epitome of  Geekness.  The laptops are a fashion statement of beauty.  Slim, sleek, and can make a runway of jaunty teens giggle and swoon.

I'm seriously considering getting an iPad2 this next payday.  They are in my price range.  I have a friend who owns a iPad and loves it.  She even has a portable keyboard for it which is handy for those who do a lot of typing!

Then I think back to the last few weeks that I am saving for a new digital camera another dream of mine...

Dreams - the surrealism of life.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fall in Anchorage, Alaska

September 5th  for Alaskan's means putting up the summer toys and bring out the long winter gear.  Usually for Anchorage by mid-September there is frost on our windows in the mornings and snow on the mountains.  None of this has happen until a few days ago! 

This year I proudly say it has been the most beautiful month for Fall I've ever seen while living 21 years here in Anchorage.

Flowers are still blooming, the leaves of the Birch are golden yellow even though now laying upon the sidewalks and yards in my neighborhood;  many of those golden leaves have just fallen off the limbs within the last couple of days.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Photoshop Fun

For the last few months I've been busy working.  Then I've also been playing every chance I had in my free time to play with Photoshop.

I love Photoshop Elements 9.  It's fun and the plug-ins that one can purchase or find free on the internet are a blast also!  Harry's Filters is my favorite, plus a kaleidoscope filter has became my right arm extension of my art.

Mr Fishlips tells me with each new creation that he thinks I'm a super artist.  I just laugh and run with his kind words.

A recent trip out to Hatcher's Pass on September 5th left us breathless at the beauty of Alaska.  

Although my guy doesn't like his photo's published I thought you would enjoy this one that I call 'Happy Hands'.  Yep those are his hands that make this kaleidoscope have special meaning to me.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Balancing Acts

Since  ole Missy Fishlips has returned to work – I've been in training all week and will be again in training next week. Then I've be doing what is called 'Shadowing'.  Sounds a bit scary doesn't it.  I do believe I will just keep you all in suspense to what it is also. 

I let my 3 times weekly posts on my blog just slip away which makes me sad.  I'm sure you all have opions on it.
Maybe you all are happy to have the relief or maybe you miss my rambles.  Either way:

I am trying to figure out a system so that I don’t stop my ramblings just because I’m not home during the day to madly type away. 
You all know how much I love my writing it’s not something I can just casually cast away – 

I will work it out and once I’m settled in my job my blog postings will return to a set schedule so you don’t Miss Me!

Here are two kaleidoscope of the same original photo showing their different results.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Adventures Ahead

This is my last weekend of total freedom from the working class world.  On Monday I start a new adventure returning to the working world.  

It’s been some time since I was an employee for someone else.  I cannot tell you HOW excited I truly am at this new opportunity!  I have not been this excited in ages and ages!

I’ve sat down writing up my 5 year goals for finances, things that we need to do to our home, our surroundings and also things we want for fun, plus making life easier.

I will be working for Hope Community Resources here in Anchorage.  Hope assists folks with disabilities throughout the state of Alaska.

Many folks wonder why this area for me…no one in my family or circle of friends growing up had anyone in their lives who was disabled.  Out of 8 children I’m the only member of my family who has chosen work in the past and present in this specialized area. 

When ask in my interviews why would I work in this field…my answer was simple: “I believe everyone in life deserves to enjoy it to the best of their abilities and should be encouraged to live a happy life that has meaning to them.  Plus I find working with folks who have disabilities rewarding.  They give something to me as well as I’m giving something to them.”  

Maybe it was because I have the Oldest Sibling syndrome even though I'm the third child of eight – I need to take care of those who are less able to care for themselves.  Maybe it was because as a child I was always dragging home the stray pets and injured animals to take care of.  Whatever it was that made me this way - I’m glad.

Now if I just hear that I will be one of those selected to be receiving a Rasmuson Foundation art grant award – my life goals for this year would be 100% complete and totally awesome!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Blue Sky

"Blue skies; nothing but blue skies do I see"  a song which pops into this ole fishlips head when thinking of the color blue.

The new color challenge from 3/31 to 4/14 is B L U E. 

Blue eyes, blue crayon, blue birds, feeling blue, blue blanket, blue horizon.  So much blue.  Blue jeans, the Blues - music, Blue Haired Ladies.

I do believe there are some pretty blue fish out in that sea of blue!

                                                  'good bye black/gray & brown Hello Blue'

We had a 4 place setting of navy blue dinnerware. Hardy.

My fine china has blue flowers on the edges of the pure white china. Delicate.

My guys eyes are blue.

He gets blue from the hard knocks of life.

My fingers turn blue when they are cold.

I wear a blue winter coat.

Fun is Blue!  No singing the blues!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Scrapbook Designer Papers

I've been dreaming once again.  A simple dream over and over.  

A few months ago I stated many of my photos had turned into works that would be fun to use other than as photos!  

That they would be fun designer scrapbooking papers.

So how does one contact the various companies that sell to the public scrapbooking papers?  I have oodles and oodles of designs that I believe would sell extremely well in that market area.

Land of Bunnies and Chocolate Eggs
With Easter just around the bend in the calendar the above version of a Kaleidoscope is the perfect background for making fun greeting cards!

                  Time Marching Forward & Back

Perfect for SteamPunk artists!  I see all kinds of objects being added on a mixed media scrapbook page!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Creative Types

Are you a gambler trying new and wild things?  Do you jabber away while creating that next Mona Lisa?  Or are you a silent type whose yearnings can only be read in your eyes? 

I have to admit there are various days that I could be one of the three. 

I’m sure you can add more to the list of ‘creative types’.  I’m just hitting the top of the iceberg for those whose passion is some form of art or crafts!

Many of my friends on Facebook and Twitter are the creative type.  It is so enjoyable to see pictures of their latest creations and even pics of their old stuff.  

Artists across the world seem to encourage each other, tease and taunt each other, plus sometimes even become sponsors for another.  That makes me so glad… in this day and age of so much pain and grief that one sector of life remains constant – art and those who encourage folks to be creative.  

Art is a passion.  You either love it or you don’t.  Once it has its hands around your throat there is no surrendering.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Win this Kaleidoscope Print

This kaleidoscope print could be yours!  

All you have to do is leave me a comment to what the building's name is - the original is from Downtown Anchorage; along with a way to contact you.

The winner (if more than one correct answer will be drawn from a hat) and I'll send you a lovely 12"x16" print.  No strings - gotta love that something really for free - even the shipping will be free!

Are you up to the challenge?  
Can you name the building?  

This print would look awesome in your office!

Name the Building ends March 31, 2011 

If you are a 'friend' on Facebook I shall be posting a clue each day to the Building's Name.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Cling Stamps and Journals

On a never ending quest for things to occupy my desire to be creative can land one in trouble.

A run to Michaels and JoAnn's stores over the quiet weekend lead me to finding several items that captured my imagination.

One of my past times that I find relaxing is making Greeting Cards.  So I purchased a few new stamps sets.  So many new and wonderful type of stamps are available nowdays.  I drool in that aisle.  Thankfully I knew what I wanted and my decisions were fast and furious. 

Plus once I move into the position of Home Alliance Coordinator I'll be able to enrich the lives of Hope Cottages clients with crafts if they are so incline to learn about stamping and making greeting cards!  Or just having fun with scrap booking! A perfect excuse don't you think for my purchase?  I'm sticking to that reason when I explain additional stamping sets to an already overflowing box of them.

I will be making cards for the next several days to keep me busy while my hand heals from the sprain. I plan on utilizing some of my kaleidoscope prints as the background incorporating stamping and other items onto the card.

The stamps set I purchased are vintage inspired along with some 'Steampunk' theme's.  I'm in stamp heaven right now! 

I also plan to use the stamps within my Journals.  A lovely book by Linda Woods and Karen Dinino, titled 'Visual Chronicles' has enlighten my choices for different and amazing options for journals.