
About Me

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Anchorage, Alaska - The Last Frontier, United States
Alaska Artist who lives half a year in sunlight and the other half in darkness. Art and humor are life's greatest moments. Enjoy!

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Travel Muses

In the last couple of years traveling has become a form of self-entertainment

2012 Visited Ireland with my mother.

2013 San Francisco.

2014 San Francisco, San Diego and Los Angles - Disney World and Universal Studios - fun with my sister and her grandkids.
2015 I by  self drove Hwy 1 on the Coast of California in January which I managed to break my foot but didn't stop me from dancing in San Diego.  Flew to St. Louis to see family, and then in August went I took Mom to Las Vegas.

2016 I went to Europe for 3 glorious weeks.  England, France, Netherlands, Austria, Italy, Greece, Israel, and Finland. 

Most the trips were alone which is awesome because I can do whatever I want, when I want, and how I want LOL.  I am rather selfish I have discovered on places I am willing to visit with others.

As an older single woman I'm always ask Do you feel Safe?  Don't you miss having company?

I always feel safe no matter where I am at.  I do research prior to leaving and always am aware of my surroundings. And I don't take items along on trips to call attention to self.  I am usually carrying my backpack, don't carry lots of cash, don't wear name brands, and jewelry is left at safe deposit box in Anchorage. I stay at Hotels after I have read reviews to see if any issues or problems and also use AirBnB. Research is being open to trusting your gut.  Ask othes if they have been there, when and what they did. 

As to having companions - family trips fill those needs right now.  Perhaps in the future I 'll meet a man who have the same passions I do for travel and we can see the world together.  But I love traveling alone.  Honestly.  I love to wake early, dress and walk all day exploring wherever I am visiting. Eat when I am hungry and the best I don't need to ask another if they are ready to do another day of what I do.

Europe was awesome for this.  Walking gives you a whole another outlook on life from a different view.  Its up close and personal.  Plus it makes me talk to others, learn about the area first hand.  And time stands still as I photograph a doorway leading to unknown territories:  letting my imagination run wild.

I learned to enjoy being alone one must be brave enough to talk to others and even if we don't speak the same language.  One of my fondest memories of Europe is when I flew to Greece with a woman from the Netherlands who spoke very little English sitting next to me but we talk for an hour about grandchildren.  She was going to see her daughter who was expecting her second child any day.  We both laughed, talked and had a great exchange of women bonding over the love of babies.

In Paris a waiter was upset I sat in the smoking / drink area only and I only wanted lunch... I love eating out & I am not shy about eating alone LOL... he tried to ignore me but the couple sitting at another table told him in French that I wanted to order a meal not just a drink.  I laughed along with this couple at the waiters error it made my lunch so much more enjoyable. I did learn food and drink is common bonding no matter where one is - a common theme throughout all my travels. 

No matter when I have gone people have been so kind, plus helpful when I would ask for assistance.

A smile goes a mile when traveling alone!

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