
About Me

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Anchorage, Alaska - The Last Frontier, United States
Alaska Artist who lives half a year in sunlight and the other half in darkness. Art and humor are life's greatest moments. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Every now and then we all have one...a week that is just surreal.  A Mish Mosh of random happenings.

A call home I find out my second to youngest brother is staying at Mom's - major knee surgery.  A call from a friend we have known for over 20 years just to let me know he is sorry that the St. Louis Cardinals got bumped out of the playoffs...HA he wasn't sorry he was rubbing it in.  My great nephew who is 12 is still in hospital but out of Critical Care Unit but 3 weeks of a hospital stay for this little guy is not good - So if you can spare a prayer for him please do so!  I donate several of my framed Photo's for Hope Community Resources Annual Dinner Auction.  Had to go to doctor yesterday for my eye - turns out I've gotten Pink Eye (yes adults get Pink Eye also; it's not just a kids illness).

Crusty eyes is not my ideal of fun for a day off.  After tackling every door handle, knob and surface I have touched in last week with Lysol Disinfecting Wipes I settle in my mind for a day of fun.

First off  I lounged about watching TV.  Daytime TV is rather boring.  Two naps didn't improve TV watching.  Didn't even have the energy to work on Greeting Cards, plus I didn't want to have an accidental tear fall on the work to contaminate it!

Putting eye drops into one's own eye every 3 hours is tricky...hitting my nose with a cold drop of fluid is rather startling.  By evening I was acing this small feat the drops were hitting the eye on first try.

Then watching the late evening news we hear of Steve Jobs death.   I've always wanted an Apple computer.  They are to me the epitome of  Geekness.  The laptops are a fashion statement of beauty.  Slim, sleek, and can make a runway of jaunty teens giggle and swoon.

I'm seriously considering getting an iPad2 this next payday.  They are in my price range.  I have a friend who owns a iPad and loves it.  She even has a portable keyboard for it which is handy for those who do a lot of typing!

Then I think back to the last few weeks that I am saving for a new digital camera another dream of mine...

Dreams - the surrealism of life.