
About Me

My photo
Anchorage, Alaska - The Last Frontier, United States
Alaska Artist who lives half a year in sunlight and the other half in darkness. Art and humor are life's greatest moments. Enjoy!

Friday, February 11, 2011

When Chickens are blue



There are days just a corner of my life is complete.
There are days I sorta feel like a chicken waiting for my eggs to hatch.
There are days I feel as if I'm running in circles standing still.  
Some days I write a poem.
Most days I take a photo.

Today I'm just me being silly.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Vegetable Gardens

I love looking at gardens, I have a deep appreciation of gardens, I photograph gardens.

A gardener I am Not!  This year I'm planting a vegetable garden.

The last attempt at a vegetable garden was over 13 years ago.  My neighbor looked at my small plot I had selected for my garden, glanced at my seedlings and starter plants, then voiced his opinion "You haven't done this before."  He turned and walked slowly away shaking his head.  As a man in his 70's he really wasn't one for much talking.

I wondered how he could tell.  I brought fresh starter plants and had my 4 seed rows marked with a stick holding the paper packets of what seeds where planted in that area and to me looked pretty awesome.  I watered and pulled weeds along the first few weeks, eagerly awaiting my vegetables growth.

I have to also admit I come from a family whose parents did not do any gardening, none of my siblings are gardeners. I believe my Mom tried once to have flowers in yard but with all the kids, dogs, cats and neighborhood kids running through the yard her attempt failed. 

So all produce was brought at the grocery store to feed the 8 kids and two adults.   Except tomatoes.  My dad every year would get several tomato starter plants.  He would fill up three 5 gallon buckets with dirt and sand and rocks put two plants in each and grow the most amazing tomatoes.

So for my first and only vegetable garden I thought it was that easy.  Just stick in the ground, water, and wait for the bounty of mouth watering, healthy vegetables to cook and fill my freezer.

The only true gardener I had in my family had been my grandfather who lived in California - he could preform magic in a yard.  Unfortunately grandpa had passed away in 1976.  So I couldn't even call for advice when my garden was not producing much of anything except for weeds, dead starter plants, slugs, and bugs.

My neighbor once again voiced his opinion 3/4ths through our growing season for Alaska:  "Not doing so good I see."  I was watering and replied "I don't know why this garden is NOT doing so good, nothing seems to be growing right."  Walking away once again I heard him mutter "wrong place, wrong kind of seeds and wrong type of starters for outside."

So my vegetable growing ended.  It has taken me many trials and errors with only flowers to learn I do best with potted plants for my garden enjoyment.  Plus that it's more fun to visit those in my city who do grow amazing gardens.

This year I am determined to have a vegetable garden.  Researching seeds that are designed for Alaska short season, that can be grown in chillier temperatures I shall be having various pots and raised beds for my garden fantasy this summer!  

Last night I sat down with my guy and we decided on what vegetables we both would like to be in the garden where I would be planting various items and how I would be planting them.   The majority are vegetables we both like and then there are a couple that each of us only like.  Brussels Sprouts and carrots for me, green onions and tomatoes for him.  Snow peas for the two of us.

So as time marches on I will be posting my adventures in ordering and purchasing, planting and growing my garden. 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Dinosaurs, Butterflies and Grant Application

 It’s not easy being me.  Some days I’m happy and some days I’m cranky.  Pretty normal I do believe for a person of my age and temperament.

In the mornings I check my emails, visit my social networks, view my online shops to see if an item sold, and then work for a while on my art my main excitement and a fulfilling job in my otherwise boring life as a semi-retired person.  

If errands need running or visit to grocery store needs to be done that is the afternoon highlight.

The last couple of weeks I’ve been working on a grant application for an Artist Project Award.  The Rasmuson Foundation offers each year three types of grants that various artists may apply to receive.  The first is for $5,000 called a Project Award.  Then a Fellowship Award for $12,000. The third is a Distinguished Artist Award of $25,000. 
As that my career is in the beginning stages; I am applying for as an ‘Emerging Artist’.  Not to give away my game plan of what I shall be doing; but I’ll say this if given the award I will taking lots of photos in the central and south central region of Alaska.

I have giant butterflies in my stomach.  They feel like dinosaur eggs.   

I hate to admit but I work myself into a frazzle at times over the simplest of things.  I’m happy to say this is my first application.  May the ones that follow become easier. 

I can only imagine what those applying for the larger grants feel as they turn in their application with their project written out in blood, sweat and tears (well that’s it felt for me while working on the 5 required sections that must be submitted).

This is the first of many steps I have set as goals for my career as a Fine Art Photographer.  I am keeping my toes and fingers crossed in hopes of being selected as a recipient and also acknowledge that the competition is stiff.  Alaska has a wonderful bounty of artists in many disciplines. When I went to the website to see past artist projects and the awards I was in awe of my fellow Alaskan’s.