
About Me

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Anchorage, Alaska - The Last Frontier, United States
Alaska Artist who lives half a year in sunlight and the other half in darkness. Art and humor are life's greatest moments. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Christmas Thoughts, Gifts, and Plans

                            As October wines down, thoughts jump ahead to Christmas.

I love Christmas!  A great excuse that allows me to step out of my normal sane self and make gifts for all those I love.

Over various years my gifts have ranged from quilts, fleece embroidered blankets, quilted handbags, to jewelry.  Each have been passionately made for many in the annual list of 'who gets gifts'.

Last year I sent my family my artwork… I sent off 8 photos in large format size “16X20” and all where sent in one package to my mothers’ address, since Christmas is normally celebrated at her house with my family members.  

My mother is wonderful & We all love Mom dearly!  We feel blessed that she is here, has a full & busy life, plus is doing her own thing in her own home! Now the problem with my dear mother is: she still has all these art pieces.  She never gave them to those who were to receive them.  None of us children ask anymore why she does these things ~ we just shake our heads...

This year I’ll be sending artwork out once again.  But to each family member's home so they may open their gift and keep it at their home LOL unless of course they think it would look better over at Mom’s house.