
About Me

My photo
Anchorage, Alaska - The Last Frontier, United States
Alaska Artist who lives half a year in sunlight and the other half in darkness. Art and humor are life's greatest moments. Enjoy!

Friday, October 1, 2010

The View from my Window

On various venues that artists and crafter's gather to sell their wares the competition is intense. 

Online galleries are amazing. 

The internet allows viewing of art otherwise only seen in museums or galleries. A whole new world of any genre is available for screening before you purchase.

I’m enjoying the view from my window.  Are you?

During the past week this one has been creating new art, an enjoyable process with the new Photoshop program. Although I’m still learning how Adobe Photoshop works and understanding the different filters; it is just fun to turn a photograph into something totally different. Playing around, discovering the various limits of my own photographs have been more entertaining than I realized as I struggled with the decisions of my own style.

One needs to have a good photograph to begin the process. I have tried improving upon a photo that was trash and it enables you to learn how the Photoshop program works - it doesn’t change the fact the photo is not one to keep.

Here's hoping you enjoy the view from Fishlips perspective.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

                                                               'Believe in Yourself'

Domestic Violence.
  Happens way too often. 
                Not a pretty thought.

Violence of any type is unforgiving to me in this fishlife I live now.  My little fishlips are going to town on this subject – I have a bit of firsthand knowledge about DV.

Once long ago I lived with a man who had a short temper.  Verbal abuse was the mainstay, kicking or throwing objects came later, and a few times I got to experience the threat & action of bodily harm. 

His being an alcoholic and own abusive youth blurred what were healthy relationship boundaries.  

I got out after realizing my life was more important than anything he could offer in marriage.  I’ve been divorced for over 20 years and I don’t look back at all.  I made the decision that Domestic Violence or violence/abuse of any type was not going to be part of my life and would support anyone else looking to leave an abusive relationship.

I now live with a man who thinks the world of me in a healthy loving manner.  He is my biggest supporter of all that I do and encourages me daily!

Violence does not need to happen.  Folks can live without any type of violence or abuse in their life.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness month.

I have donated two of my photographs for a upcoming auction; plus one Mixed Media artwork for a public show speaking out against Domestic Violence.

A few sites that can help one learn and find help for Domestic Violence:

The Domestic Violence Awareness Project -

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence -

Monday, September 27, 2010

Color Fall Yellow

Most often by September's end the leaves are gone from the trees in Anchorage.  Its the start of our winter.  This year the weather has been warmer than normal and the leaves are turning beautiful shades of yellow throughout Anchorage.

Reminds one of the fall in St. Louis, Missouri when an old oak tree on a main street where I was raised; this tree would bloom into a golden glow from sunlight filtering over, under and through leaves on branches as thick as my thighs.  The age of the mighty oak had to have been at least two years old.  Massive in size and beauty. 

I need to check with my mother to see if there are any photos of the 'golden globe' in the family photo box she keeps.  A photo of this tree would be a treasure for my memory box.

 Anchorage on Saturday, September 25, 2010