
About Me

My photo
Anchorage, Alaska - The Last Frontier, United States
Alaska Artist who lives half a year in sunlight and the other half in darkness. Art and humor are life's greatest moments. Enjoy!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Upside Down or Other Warehouse 13 moments in Art

Outsider Art is a term I just discovered by accident.

If you like outsider art and you're a insider are you turned upsidedown?

What would happen if an outsider married an insider and they have offspring Are they then ~ INSIDEOUT?

When that Inside-out grows up do they become Upside Downs when they become artists?

Makes my head spin.  Does yours?

I understand why terms or classification are given; much easier for the brain to wrap around.  Some just do not make sense.

A genre of art and outdoor constructions made by untrained artists who do not recognize themselves as artists
Classified under:
Nouns denoting man-made objects
Hypernyms ("outsider art" is a kind of...):
genre (a class of art (or artistic endeavor) having a characteristic form or technique)

Throughout life I was always the outsider which growing up was a tad scary.  Now I have a classification that actually means something but find myself once more being Outsider; while looking inside; turning upsidedown; and becoming insideout; thus once more Outside.  All this said with lips all puckered up in a lopsided grin.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Artful Deeds

From a lovely garden to behold at Kinaid Park in Anchorage, Alaska. 

Summer was filled with gardens west to east and north to south here in Anchorage.  I could not get enough photos of the flowers blooming.  Bees where busy when days blasted sun, rain made for riding my bicycle not so possible many a time.  But as soon as it stopped and I knew a break would last for awhile - off I would go snapping up photos of my favorite subjects.

Now as fall takes its hold upon Anchorage, my art will be basically exploring, refining, and printing out natures beauty one page at a time.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Alaskan's Got Talent

Visit any town in Alaska and you will find a bevy of Artists.  And not just okay artists but Artist that can blow you away with the beauty of their art.

I move to Alaska almost 20 years ago.  I fell in love with the land, the people but also any and all the art my eyes could drink in.  I was in Art Heaven! 

Over the years the art scene adds a new artist or artists I should say that I haven't seen before.  All I can say is KEEP IT COMING!

My training has only been in photography.  It's my first love for the arts.  I dabble in the other stuff.

A few weeks ago a older gent was at my booth - he glanced quickly; then questioned me as he walked away "where's the art?"

Smiling I said "it's right here."  I pointed to the motherlode of floral prints that I hung bravely on the wall. And I was the only person with art at the gig at Spenard Farmers Market.

Angrily he grunted "that's not art - ART is Paintings."

Being me my first thought was what a dumbass old man; second thought was I wanted to slap him silly; third thought which I voiced: "Sir photography has been a recognized Art since I was in school and you need to re-educated yourself on these matters."

Being that I ain't no spring chicken myself I dared him with my fishlips to even utter another word.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Welcome to my world of art

A journey begins.

Words will appear.

My lips will pucker as I think of things to say.  Noise will emit through my lips as I type, keeping tune with songs or talking to a love one in another room.  A banter of teasing or saying "have you seen this..did you read?"

That's how I became to be 'Fishlips'.

I take pictures.  

I paint.

I create fun things.

Most often my creations are very useful items. 

Then there are the times my work is Awesome.  I think this daily.  But see below <G>

Sometimes my work sucks.  Bigger fishlips - a pouter I'm not ~ well not too often - my guy can pout much better and he is really good at Putting Out the Lips with a hound dog look to his beautiful baby blues.

I am only a woman, just watch out for my tears.  Alligator tears but that's a tale for another day.