
About Me

My photo
Anchorage, Alaska - The Last Frontier, United States
Alaska Artist who lives half a year in sunlight and the other half in darkness. Art and humor are life's greatest moments. Enjoy!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Designing Women

As a person who dabbles in various crafts it is always a thrill to discover other like artists.

On Facebook many of my 'friends' are artists, milliners, fashion designers, and accessory designers, plus everyday folks who just like same things.  It is a fascinating world we can visit on the web now days.  They are inspiring to me to keep up and create!

One of the folks who posts messages and recommends different folks as friends, plus enjoys some of the same artist as myself; I recently discovered designs custom handbags.  Kiki lives in England and her  handbags are simply stunning! 

This little number is shown on Facebook...WOW it's a bag that I desire & know you will also!

Another dear friend who I've known for just about a year from a selling venue that we both were on:  Delight Worthyn

Millinery is Delights' passion and her creations are just lovely and full of fun! Plus she is 'green' A true artist who recycles, up-cycles and re-purposes to make her little beauties!   Now that is talent and I love Eco-friendly friends!

I can see these on some of the hats I design!  They would sure enhance a hat that I wear for sure!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Count Down with Self-Portraits

I'm running late today with posting so now Wednesday post will be showing up on Thursday.  This makes one frantic.

As a certain date approaches one's anxiety gets a tad higher.

Holidays and birthdays are low keyed happenings in our life for about the last 15 years.  But this year my birthday hits a mile stone.  A new decade gets added on.

As I make this journey I decided a self portrait per day.  Being one who has never been comfortable in front of a camera - only behind it; this is a whole new experience.

All my fishlips have to say is "It is much easier taking photos of things through my lens, than my lens pointing at me".

I can count on one hand the photos of me over the years on this planet that I liked.  My favorite is the one I had done when I turned 21 years old. Another was at age 40 sitting next to my dearest friend from high school with a fountain in the background.  At age 51 my father died; my mom and I had our photo taken together at a studio; that is another photo I really like.  The night before my open heart surgery sitting on the hospital bed my guy took a picture of me that belongs in the favorites list.  So maybe after my count down with self-portraits to birthday, I might even get a favorite out of one of the days.

27 days and counting...

Monday, October 18, 2010

Moose Tracks

Moose live in, around, and thrive in Anchorage, Alaska. 

In my neighborhood we see a moose just about every other day.  My backyard has a creek that runs out to Cook's Inlet.  Moose follow this ancient trail in and out.  Mostly in...then they help themselves to my flowers, plants, garden delights and they love my Mountain Ashe tree during the winter. 

Luckily the moose leave my two lilac bushes alone.  Small favor indeed but priceless to me!  Lilacs are my favorite flower.

Lately a bull moose avoiding hunters and seeking out females in heat has been stalking the neighborhood.  My cockatiels become frantic when this monster is moving about our yard.  He is huge.  I would guess his rack span is well over 9 feet from one side to the other.  His shoulders are wider than any I've seen on the moose around here in last few years.  If I was a female moose my tail would be swishing for him for sure.  He is one handsome dude!

I'm betting his mommy is the female that has used our lower backyard as her nursery for the last 10 years.  For him to be traveling through our yard means he is one of the twins born a few years back.  He is prime bull moose this year!  Can't wait til spring to see his babies hobbling along in the yard.  Learning from their mom of the Ancient Trail for Moose in West Anchorage.