
About Me

My photo
Anchorage, Alaska - The Last Frontier, United States
Alaska Artist who lives half a year in sunlight and the other half in darkness. Art and humor are life's greatest moments. Enjoy!

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Life with Fishlips Day 2

As I sit eating a bagel with cream cheese piled high I ponder 'Life With Fishlips.' 

Where am I headed in life? 

Recently I took the leap of faith to join the ranks of 'seniors who don't work'. 

I have plans...

Do a bit of remodeling on home - paint inside/outside, new flooring, move sink to island, install gas line so I can have my dream a gas oven & burners (HEAVEN for all the baking & cooking I plan)

Return to college come August 24th at UAA - expanding ones knowledge is my life time goal

Volunteer in a program with Providence Hospital here in Anchorage 'No One Dies Alone' - giving back to the community means there is gratefulness

In September I will return to the working world but only 2 days a week - keeping skills sharp & extra cash for traveling plans.

Travel near and Far - San Francisco to the Culinary Institute of America once again to learn how to create and bake bread, Eugene Or. to see dear friends get married, San Diego to celebrate my birthday on the sandy beaches, to Europe over Christmas break

Write on my blog daily - this is the hardest thing to do.  Is anyone reading my words? I am boring?  Is subject matter dead?

Expand my photography website - even harder to do. I need growth in this area I feel I see the same flower over and over: I am a bit hysterical on this one point. 

Join like minded people and increase my inter-circle of friends - being single, introverted, and with just a dash of craziness about life means: I can be very intimidating to folks. 

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Life with Fishlips

There are days I hate myself. 

I expect the most from myself; and when those days I don't match up to my own expectations...I can really give myself a talking to. 

Mostly I love myself.  I am truly happy being me.

I also don't usually posts pics of myself...This is a favorite...happy, relaxed, on vacation!

I was born during a blizzard in Brooklyn, NY.

November 17 is my exact date of birth. Yes I am a Scorpio.

As a Behavioral Specialist I got to become friends with several special peep's through my employment

I love each of the them very much.

the ones who taught me Patience
as I taught them to Enjoy life without Anger:

The Best Coworker's I could ask for:

Monday, March 20, 2017

Never an Empty Stomach while Traveling in Europe

Six were simply not enough. 

Paris won my heart with all the wonderful food. 

Although; honestly I don't believe any of the 9 countries fell flat for wonderful food.

My cravings of food go from snails to fine chocolate.

I love seafood.

Not a huge fan of red meat.  BUT
A 6oz Filet Mignon with grilled blue cheese topping can get my attention.

Fresh salads and veggies thrill me.

Heavenly Dessert... Rome 

Wine in Israel is outstanding!

Monday, March 6, 2017

Yearnings to Travel

Travel yearnings are upon me once more. 

I will be taking off for a year from work to do things that only please me. 

During the summer weekend trips thave been planned.  To visit several cities in Alaska I been dreaming to see: Sitka, Juneau, and then revisit my favorites Homer, Kenai, Talkeetna. 

As I sit and ponder my travels I also plan to visit Iceland, Russia, more of Europe.

I have no clue where I got the travel bug to visit far off doesn't matter, I have a wander lust that must be completed it seems before my time on earth is over - at my age now its paramount I travel and see the wonders of the world.  THEN:

Come September I will be a university student once more. I shall be taking several university courses.  University of Alaska, Anchorage offers a full range of options for my passions: photography, creative writing and pottery. 

The photography course will only heighten my yearnings to be that National Geographic Photographer who snaps a bloom as it slowly opens to the morning rays after the evening dew filled it's thirst upon the ever dried soil.

Or to Capture the mother who yearns to be free from her child and be a child herself once more.

Or perhaps the award winning Botanical shot shall tickle my fancy...

Creative Writing is a tool I be using to write a book about my adventures as a Behavioral Specialist working with folks who have various disabilities. The past 7 years working with those who have mental disabilities and mental health issues has given me much thought to my own life and how very lucky I am to experience so much. All too often we forget to take time for ourselves.  Writing gives me a change of scenery and a place to soften the edges of life when those around you are different.

Pottery will be a form to express myself in every day items.  A bowl, a cup and plate. 

My life path varies from most.  Being the odd duck has never stopped me from doing as I wished my motto has always been "I am woman Hear Me Roar". 

I love many and shall continue to love many as I walk among people who also are taking the journey to the end of time and with a passion to guide them.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Travel Muses

In the last couple of years traveling has become a form of self-entertainment

2012 Visited Ireland with my mother.

2013 San Francisco.

2014 San Francisco, San Diego and Los Angles - Disney World and Universal Studios - fun with my sister and her grandkids.
2015 I by  self drove Hwy 1 on the Coast of California in January which I managed to break my foot but didn't stop me from dancing in San Diego.  Flew to St. Louis to see family, and then in August went I took Mom to Las Vegas.

2016 I went to Europe for 3 glorious weeks.  England, France, Netherlands, Austria, Italy, Greece, Israel, and Finland. 

Most the trips were alone which is awesome because I can do whatever I want, when I want, and how I want LOL.  I am rather selfish I have discovered on places I am willing to visit with others.

As an older single woman I'm always ask Do you feel Safe?  Don't you miss having company?

I always feel safe no matter where I am at.  I do research prior to leaving and always am aware of my surroundings. And I don't take items along on trips to call attention to self.  I am usually carrying my backpack, don't carry lots of cash, don't wear name brands, and jewelry is left at safe deposit box in Anchorage. I stay at Hotels after I have read reviews to see if any issues or problems and also use AirBnB. Research is being open to trusting your gut.  Ask othes if they have been there, when and what they did. 

As to having companions - family trips fill those needs right now.  Perhaps in the future I 'll meet a man who have the same passions I do for travel and we can see the world together.  But I love traveling alone.  Honestly.  I love to wake early, dress and walk all day exploring wherever I am visiting. Eat when I am hungry and the best I don't need to ask another if they are ready to do another day of what I do.

Europe was awesome for this.  Walking gives you a whole another outlook on life from a different view.  Its up close and personal.  Plus it makes me talk to others, learn about the area first hand.  And time stands still as I photograph a doorway leading to unknown territories:  letting my imagination run wild.

I learned to enjoy being alone one must be brave enough to talk to others and even if we don't speak the same language.  One of my fondest memories of Europe is when I flew to Greece with a woman from the Netherlands who spoke very little English sitting next to me but we talk for an hour about grandchildren.  She was going to see her daughter who was expecting her second child any day.  We both laughed, talked and had a great exchange of women bonding over the love of babies.

In Paris a waiter was upset I sat in the smoking / drink area only and I only wanted lunch... I love eating out & I am not shy about eating alone LOL... he tried to ignore me but the couple sitting at another table told him in French that I wanted to order a meal not just a drink.  I laughed along with this couple at the waiters error it made my lunch so much more enjoyable. I did learn food and drink is common bonding no matter where one is - a common theme throughout all my travels. 

No matter when I have gone people have been so kind, plus helpful when I would ask for assistance.

A smile goes a mile when traveling alone!

Thursday, February 23, 2017

I'mmm Backkkk!

I'mmmmm Backkkk!  OMG 5 years I been gone WTF????

Fast track to 2017! LOL catching you up would take for ever.  But in a nutshell: A crazy few years of living outside what one calls "The Box", dealing with life, work, death of my lovely man Griff, and rebuilding and learning to fend for self.

Griff was killed riding his bike in January 2014.  I miss him and also very thankful for all the years we were together.  I know he watches over me in ways that make him chuckle and says "now Mum what you doing?"  And if he wasn't already dead I be giving him a heart attack with some of the things I done.

Becoming single really didn't change life that much, my self confidence has only gotten stronger, I have traveled lots, continued working as a Behavioral Specialist with the population of those with disabilities, and now a proud owner of a Standard Poodle who only adds to my laughter and joy about living in Alaska.


Doc is the man in my life and is now 10 months old.  He is also very handsome!!  This pic is the day I picked him up in Soldotna and drove 4 hours home with him crying...WAIT Crying is not the word I said back then...he howled, yelped and made such a noise even to this day I state NEVER AGAIN will I pick up a puppy and drive four hours listening to them cry for their mother.   lol they will be hand delivered to me.

I also made it to the magical age of being a Senior Citizen entitled to receive her full Social Security benefits.  That is simply amazing let me tell you.  I never thought I would make it to this age.

Ok I am Looking Forward to blogging once more. 

From my journey to Tel Aviv, Israel
August 2016