
About Me

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Anchorage, Alaska - The Last Frontier, United States
Alaska Artist who lives half a year in sunlight and the other half in darkness. Art and humor are life's greatest moments. Enjoy!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Amazing Race

On Sunday night the team of two women won the Amazing Race.  A team I had been rooting for since the beginning of this season's start.  Finally two women beat out all men teams and man/woman teams.  I just about roared out a cheer but I just the the womanly thing and silently clapped my hands and said "YAY!"

Amazing Race has been since the first season one of the handful of programs this household follows. 

Dreams of being a team lurks in my brain. 

Fantasy of winning has been often replayed in my mind.  Except this is a household of two medical problematic folks.  Both heart patients.  And one has had two serious back surgeries and he medically could not do some of the stunts.  Then some of those things; I myself would balk at doing.  But the temptation to apply is always in the background when watching the teams race to the next stop along the race.  I think he would be a great partner to see the world with...I'm sure he thinks I would be an okay partner - I can be a bit of a nag, jump on his case for any reason, and I think things need to be done my way.  Other-words I have an attitude. 

I've never been out of the States.  He traveled once to England.  The cities on Amazing Race are ones I would love to race through.  He would rather do others, ones with more ancient history esp any that have a Roman history surrounding them.  He is an ancient history buff!  I'm just a time traveler to any city on the map of the world.

With a new season starting in January for teams that didn't win any race but became favorite of the viewers I can hardly wait to relax each Sunday night, dreaming of far off places and cheering on my next team to victory!

                                                 My guy racing each day in his own way

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