
About Me

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Anchorage, Alaska - The Last Frontier, United States
Alaska Artist who lives half a year in sunlight and the other half in darkness. Art and humor are life's greatest moments. Enjoy!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Day After Christmas Sales

As many who celebrate holidays without family in the same city or like me even same state...the more holidays celebrated alone the less the holiday means.

This year I meet a great bunch of individuals through my job.  Many have become super friends and some have become part of my family. 

Friends at the Discovery Center's Christmas Party December 16, 2011

So this Christmas was fun!  I and my guy visited several different homes dropping off little gifts to those who have touched my heart.  The joy that those little presents brought to them was just what this ole fishlips needed!  Next Christmas I am already making plans for it & I haven't thought like this in a very long time!

I am taking the young woman I work with now out for a bit fun -  'day after Christmas Sales' madness.

Honestly not the best idea since she has behavior challenges but we are gotta try; even knowing that she can become angry at the slightest thing.  If it happens we leave and her day's outing is over.  Since she has a couple of new gift cards I am thinking she will be able to behave until all the money is spent!  Then it's Starbucks time!

Happy Holidays to all ...

And don't forget to return those gifts that just made you laugh and think "oh lord why me".  And yes I received one of those gifts from the young lady I work with...'a knee length robe' and I can never use it since she even stated to me several times during the course of working with her: "only old ladies wear robes". Since I am not an old lady, I refuse to be an old lady, I will always be a  young lady in my heart and soul while I'm working with this young woman; so this gift gets returned!

PS.  my mother sent me a beautiful full length robe that I adore.  So when I'm not around the young lady I work with I'll be wearing the one Mom sent!!!! 

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