
About Me

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Anchorage, Alaska - The Last Frontier, United States
Alaska Artist who lives half a year in sunlight and the other half in darkness. Art and humor are life's greatest moments. Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Wednesday Count Down

Count down is 3 posts a week.  Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  With a blog one must be loyal to posting.  Then one must find and develop a loyal group of folks who will follow your rantings.  

Yes there are days my nimble lips have much to say.  Then there are days when nothing comes to mind for writing about or for entertainment for viewers; which this is one of those days...mind is sorta blank.

In college - Many many moons ago - the assignments each week in a English Creative Writing course was: 

take 10 minutes each day and just write/type away.  Supposedly creativity will come.  I spent more time correcting spelling errors than writing the first several attempts at this 10 minute slice of brain farts. The assignments did become successful. Thus unlocking hidden talents.

Poetry and short stories are some of the talents that where enhanced.  Also learned that it is not so scary just to let the mind go free and enjoy.

But the most important thing I learned was Spelling Errors are minor imperfections in ones life skills.  

There is a reason our computers have SpellCheck...simply for folks whose spelling at times suck or have poor typing skills. Thus giving our readers words & understanding of what the heck we are typing.

fer migth bea boundyfil when one meats a lyon in a fild
fear might be bountiful when one meets a lion in a field

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