
About Me

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Anchorage, Alaska - The Last Frontier, United States
Alaska Artist who lives half a year in sunlight and the other half in darkness. Art and humor are life's greatest moments. Enjoy!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

February 14th is considered the day for love.  Cards, candy, flowers and many a fine gift are given to one who is treasured beyond all other things.

As a child I grew up in the age of any holiday had a special party for the classroom.  The parties where hosted by mothers who would not rest until each child had a ton of fun and took home oodles of cards from fellow classmates; a shopping bag full of candy and other wonderful treats.   

All food items had been provided prepared and brought by these loving mothers.  

Throughout grade school these ‘Room Mothers’ where volunteer PTA members whose child were in these classrooms.  As we grew and moved on to the next grade they most often followed.  Outdoing the previous year’s parties became the standard.

I do believe it was the best of times. The mid 1950’s and 1960’s where a magical time for growing up for a child. It was a time of innocence, a simpler less complex time and a time to cast away fears. 

My own mother was a Room Mother to each of my siblings as we entered school, until she returned to work when I was in the 6th grade.  Thank you Mom for fond memories of grade school for making classroom parties a wonderful event; and the very best yearly school carnival’s truly a time one will not ever forget!  

                                  my Mom still making magic for
                              her great grandchildren at Christmas!

P.S. that's one of my award winning quilts in the background <G>  got a 3rd place ribbon at Alaska State Fair it's titled 'The world according to Carp'


  1. Nice post. Love the pic of your mom with that neat quilt!

  2. My mom is wonderful - she just turned 81 this last week. Still drives, goes on trips,lives in the house I was raised in and still tries to boss us adult kids around.
